Copy of AI Built-In by Steve Black
Copy of AI Built-In by Steve Black

Pre-built lead magnet funnels helping coaches and consultants generate leads & connect with their prospects and clients with Tools For Motivation Tips Reports.

Build Your List & Boost Audience Engagement with Our Opt-in Funnels Designed for Tools For Motivation Tips Report !

You know it's crucial to share customized content with your followers. You can use Tools For Motivation PLR to attract your ideal customers and grow your business.

The funnels do not include the Tips Reports from Tools For Motivation. Click Here for all their Tips Reports.

Funnel of the Month

These Tips Report lead magnet funnels have been created to help you build your list and are designed for Content 4 Coaches. They won't work in any other online funnel building platform. If you use another online platform for your websites and funnels, feel free to copy the layouts and information in the training videos in your platform of choice.

The funnels do not include the PLR from Tools For Motivation, but include the opt-in and thank you pages, an email to deliver a free report and a form, tag and list to help you identify how your subscribers are getting on to your list. For the Tools For Motivation PLR , click here.

All the copy and images on the pages are based on the PLR content included and while they are pretty much ready to go, I always recommend making some minor changes including adding your branding, SEO and OG image.

What Else Can You Do With a Tools For Motivation Tips Report?

There are so many ways you can repurpose these reports...

  • Break it up for social media posts and there's lots of ways you can do that.
  • Re-write it and send it to your customers as a bonus.
  • Share the video on social media with a link back to your paid products. 
  • Create a store selling the reports.
  • Write it as an article or blog post.
  • Record your own video with or without the slide deck.
  • Turn it into an email sequence and add your thoughts on the tips.
  • Use the slide deck images for social media posts.
  • And a lot more...

These Lead Magnet Opt-in Funnels Have Been Designed for PLR Tips Reports From Tools For Motivation!

You could have your lead magnet funnel up and running in less than an hour.

Nurture your leads with regular content to keep them engaged and active on your lists.

For the Content 4 Coaches platform only. Does not include the PLR.

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Funnels & Websites

a Division of Referality, Inc. 

PO Box 5162, Abilene, TX 79608

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on may be affiliate links. If you use them to make a purchase, we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!). This is how I manage to create free content for you. Please know that your trust is very important to me. If I recommend anything, it is always because I use it myself or believe it is worth exploring.

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