Copy of AI Built-In by Steve Black
Copy of AI Built-In by Steve Black
Learn how to customize everything in your Content 4 Coaches Lead Magnet funnel

Start Building Your Lists With a PLR Lead Magnet Funnel for Content 4 Coaches

The above video shows the walkthrough for the Creativity Can Change Your life lead magnet funnel however, each funnel in this series  will contain a different PLR product.

Customizing Your Funnel

Import Your New Content 4 Coaches Funnel

Let's start by adding the new funnel to your account.

Customizing the Pages

You don't have to make a lot of changes, but there are a few. See what you should update and what you might want to consider updating here.

Customizing the Email

You'll need to add the report to deliver via email as well as make a few color and branding changes.

Customizing the Lead Magnet PLR Report

Your PLR+Funnel package includes the editable files for you to customize for you and your business. Here's one way you can customize the PLR report using the free version of Canva & chatPDF.

Bonus Videos

Learn some of the tricks to take your funnel building to the next level.

Saving Blocks

Adding the same testimonials to other pages? See how you can save a block to use elsewhere.

Adding a Funnel to a Website

Learn how your funnels can be turned on or off and how to merge them into your website.

The Tools I Used

    • Canva - for the document cover and 3D image for the opt-in page
    • ChatPDF - for creating an introduction for the report and for customizing the copy on the opt-in page.
    • Tools For Motivation - Don't need the funnels but want the PLR? Check out all the available Tools For Motivation PLR. 

      You can create information for the report and opt-in page using the free versions of Canva and ChatPDF. I edited the document in Word, but I believe you can make the same sort of changes in Pages on a Mac. I always recommend updating the report with you and your brand information even if you do nothing else. However, the report is also ready to go as is.

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      Funnels & Websites

      a Division of Referality, Inc. 

      PO Box 5162, Abilene, TX 79608

      Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on may be affiliate links. If you use them to make a purchase, we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!). This is how I manage to create free content for you. Please know that your trust is very important to me. If I recommend anything, it is always because I use it myself or believe it is worth exploring.

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